Free NSF Collection Service

Collect NSF Checks the Easy Way and best of all it's free! Electronic Check Recovery (ECR) is the best way to collect your returned checks ! It saves you time and money, while increasing your collection percentage as well as your cash flow. Their are no setup fees, recovery fees normally are covered by the Returned Check Fee assessed to the checkwriter's account. Even collecting out of state checks isn't a problem. Don't waste any more time or money trying to collect returned checks. Try NSF Pursuit's free NSF Check Collection Service!

What NSF Pursuit will do for your business

Recover more checks at a higher recovery rate and in a shorter amount of time. Save you money by eliminating unnecessary bank fees and guarantee programs. Saves you time by eliminating collection calls and letters. Allow you to use your money faster, usually 7-10 days, compared with 90 days from traditional methods.

How we get Your Money!

When your customer bounces a check, your bank forwards the returned check directly to NSF Pursuit's check processing center. NSF Pursuit enters the check into a database and resubmits it electronically via the ACE network. If the item bounces again, our processing center then calls the bank to verify funds before a third and final attempt to collect. When the money is collected, you receive 100% face value of the check.

WIN-WIN SITUATION for you and your customer

Writing an NSF check is an embarrassing thing that just about everybody has done. Remember the uncomfortable feeling discussing the situation with the merchant or the bank? Electronic Check Recovery handles the matter privately, and quietly. Electronic Check Recovery notifies the customer's bank of the ACH transaction and adds it to his or her statement.


  • No limit on the number of checks.
  • No cost to you eliminates the high cost of "guarantee" services.
  • No special equipment needed.
  • No More Hassles
  • No Cost

With NSF Pursuit, our service is at no cost to you. The customer who bounced the check takes responsibility for the cost of collecting the funds!